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Modular Homes – Features and Benefits

Maya Angelou has said, ”The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.” She couldn’t have been more right when she uttered the precious words. However, the increasing real estate prices and unavailability of large construction sites has rendered her words useless in present-day context. Advancements in science and technology have, however, brought forward a solution to this worry - modular homes. Thus, it is possible to construct buildings that are as strong as site-built homes while keeping the costs as low as possible.

Undoubtedly, this presents a major shift from the conventional way of constructing buildings. Apart from pricing, there are several other reasons which are making the concept to be popular both for home builder and owner. Primarily, the construction is done in sections and modules in a distant factory and sections can be transported anywhere, for example remote locations. Quality is not at all compromised in the process; all operations are followed as per HUD standards and the quality assurance department of the industry confirms the same. The assembly is, afterwards, carried out at the desired site. Second major advantage of the innovation is that the process of construction is accelerated, thus home builder as well as owner realise faster return on investment.

It must be noted that these homes can be highly energy efficient too, as they can effectively cut down energy consumed in heating and cooling the building. Another noteworthy point is that most banks and insurance companies consider modular homes similar to conventional buildings. Hence, there is no problem involved in getting them financed or insured against natural and manmade calamities.

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