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Significance of Modular Homes to Tackle Land Pollution

Modular homes or homes built in modules are the prefabricated structures that are manufactured inside a factory. After duly tested and verified for quality, the modules, thus manufactured, are transferred to the construction site for assembly. Around 80% of the construction is completed inside the factory environment while assembling is undertaken on construction site. There are several functional advantages that these homes offer to both buyer as well as home builder. Hence, this innovative concept of constructing modular homes is witnessing popularity in developed countries like USA, UK and Australia.

Environmental degradation, irrespective of its form, has become a major concern worldwide. A major part of such a negative change is occurring due to human activities. The process of modernization cannot be stopped but the same can be carried out without affecting the surrounding environment. Among the various sources of land pollution, construction site is considered to be the vital one. There are several building materials such as stones, chips, debris and cement that are left over after the completion of construction. Although majority of material is absorbed by the soil itself, there are chances that a certain amount can stay and persist over land surface for a long period of time. This material, if not cleared on time, can add to land pollution.

Constructing modular homes can be a strategic step to tackle this issue of land pollution. The factories that undertake manufacturing modular structures have superior warehousing facilities to stock building material. After the manufacturing process is completed, the left over material can be maintained as inventory and used in the next cycle of manufacturing. This along with ensuring optimum resource usage also eliminates land pollution.

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